The calendar says April, but the weatherman says to prepare for a Spring Blizzard..... can this be right? Shouldn't the snow plow blades be put away for the season? If April Showers bring May Flowers, what does an April Blizzard bring? The need for more snow plow blades!! If you find yourself needing more snow plow blades Equipment Blades has you covered!
The Race 150 is a great alternative to standard single insert carbide snow plow blades. This blade has 12" carbide segments encased in a tough rubber that allows the segments to perform amazingly. The carbide sections allow for flexibility to effectively cut ice, dig into wheel ruts, and forgives uneven surfaces. This blade goes easier on the paint and cleans better than most plow blades and better than all now plow rubber cutting edges. The race 150 can fit any standard highway punch moldboard/frog for a one way, directional, under body or dozer/pusher. The Race 150 will save you time and money.
This blade is just one of the many cutting edges available in the Sharq Edges line. Watch the video to see the Sharq system in action.